Its the penultimate day in 2012. Looking back my year held it all: the good, the bad, the ugly, but it was never, not once in the entire year, boring. Why spend time rehashing a year gone by when I can do so much today, prepare so much for tomorrow and make plans for an upcoming year? This is a time when many people resolve to be better, different or to make significant changes. Most often we (and by we, I mean "resolution-makers") promise unreasonable things. After many broken promises I am just keeping it easy: I will try to live more simply. Maybe this will include things like knitting with the yarn I have or I'll plan meals by looking first at what is in the freezer already . I'll continue my trend of cooking more, order in/eat out less. I hope this will include being happier with what I have without buying more - if I don't have the right outfit, perhaps it is laundry I need to do, rather than shopping? I could use to add a few other habit...