Too close to home
To quote the president "As a country we have been through this too many times"
It was enough to hear about it on the radio - I can't bring myself to see the images yet. Another shooting. Another tragedy where you least expect it. (I just heard that Newtown hadn't had a murder in 10 years).
You'd think these places are safe: a suburban elementary school, an remote island in the middle of a Norwegian fjord, Amish village schools. Shootings shouldn't happen anywhere, but at a school with the youngest students? Abhorrent. Why kill innocent kids? What could a shooter have against them? Or their grieving family.
An entire country is thinking about their children's school, or their own elementary schools. Searching for answers to unanswerable questions.
So I sit here. I've finished my ginger tea with honey, but I keep dipping a fork into the honey. It could be anywhere, I guess.
Seems almost morally wrong that I'm about to get changed for a Christmas party. I don't feel like wearing a dress and make-up or socializing.
But as with every other of these tragedies, my life will go on as it always has.
It was enough to hear about it on the radio - I can't bring myself to see the images yet. Another shooting. Another tragedy where you least expect it. (I just heard that Newtown hadn't had a murder in 10 years).
You'd think these places are safe: a suburban elementary school, an remote island in the middle of a Norwegian fjord, Amish village schools. Shootings shouldn't happen anywhere, but at a school with the youngest students? Abhorrent. Why kill innocent kids? What could a shooter have against them? Or their grieving family.
An entire country is thinking about their children's school, or their own elementary schools. Searching for answers to unanswerable questions.
So I sit here. I've finished my ginger tea with honey, but I keep dipping a fork into the honey. It could be anywhere, I guess.
Seems almost morally wrong that I'm about to get changed for a Christmas party. I don't feel like wearing a dress and make-up or socializing.
But as with every other of these tragedies, my life will go on as it always has.