Anxious Advent

Dear Santa - for Christmas I need those Guatemalan Trouble Dolls.  You know, those dolls you tell your worries to before you go to bed, you put them under your pillow and the dolls worry while you sleep. At least in theory.

It's the first Sunday in Advent - and although it's still November, I feel behind before I've even started. It makes me wonder: why all the pressure? No one is forcing it on me - I'm putting it on myself!

So, maybe some of it is understandable: my husband is leaving for his home country in 2 days and I haven't finished the gift I knit my sister-in-law (although I bought, wrapped and delivered nearly all of our other Christmas gifts for my in-laws in July). I am making gifts for various other family and nothing is even close to done. I want the sweater I started Tore to be finished (at least the knitting) so my mother-in-law can help me put it together. And I'm knitting a gift from my father-in-law, which I started in July, and that's only 1/2 way done too. Can I finish all these gifts in this short period of time? I would have thought July would have been enough time to finish a scarf!!!

Then there is my $200 secret screw up. I bought tickets to the WRONG show! I got 4 tickets to A Christmas Carol in Princeton for 12/9... when I meant to get tickets to A Christmas Story in Hillsborough (those tickets are under $20) for sometime around 12/11. Leave it to me make such a colossal f' up! I haven't dared to say anything to T - the longer I wait, the worse it gets. And I haven't got the money set aside anymore to buy the tickets I was supposed to get.....

Then there is question of Christmas lights. We have already purchased 2 sets of lights (a third we are keeping) that I need to return - who returns Christmas stuff before December 1st?

Then there is the general angst - at Christmas everything gets faster, more hectic and every once in a while there is unexpected snow to put a wrench in the plans.

My Dad is here, my in-laws are coming (change of bedroom for dad and cleaning beyond belief), my Dad has to be driven to my sister... groceries, figuring out dinners when no one eats even remotely the same thing.... (kids want pasta, in-laws want potatoes, I want vegetables).

We do an advent calendar for the kids (we? What we? *I* do an advent calendar for the kids). 24 gifties. It used to be I could get away with a small piece of candy or a lollipop. Not no more... I am supposed to have the whole thing wrapped and ready by Wednesday. 24x2 gifts. We also do "stuff" (ice-cream, sleep over, movie night...) but with all their activities I can't figure out when we can fit it all in. ARGH.

And finally, it's that nagging question, what to get, make or do for people when the economy is collapsing and how do I keep it in budget - see note on $200 mess up before.

There's more - but my readers, I don't want to stress you out with the worries from my little world. You clearly have your own!

It's Advent - we are supposed to enjoy these special weeks before Christmas. How come it has turned into an unending, unrealistic to do list instead of a relaxing time where we light candles and sing carols?

I had the radio on in the background while I set out a few Christmas decorations today -- but I didn't even sing.
Tomorrow's another day! And it's not even December 1st. There's still time!!! Instead of Drummer Boy, maybe I should sing this:

"Slow down, you crazy child
you're so ambitious for a juvenile
but then if you're so smart,
tell me why are you still so afraid?
Where's the fire, what's the hurry about?
You better cool it off, before you burn it out
You've got so much to do and only so many hours in a day..."
(Billy Joel)


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