International Women's Day 2011...

It's International Women's Day and my own contribution to the movement is to put my hat into the race for the Bridgewater Board of Education! Yes, a political campaign is about to begin - and I am definitely pushing the limits on my comfort zone!

Due to many blogs of a personal nature that I have written through the years, I am changing the blog from open to everyone, to an invitation only party. If you know people who would like to read it, please send me an e-mail (or give them your access). I get about 30 readers a day and although some of them are easy to guess based on their location and IP address, there are many users of Optonline in Bridgewater...

I hope that you will wish me luck as I enter this new phase, and should it not go as planned, I hope that we can enjoy a consolation tea when it is over.

Kindest regards from your Bridgewater Soccer Mom


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