Compromise schrompromise!
It's nice to have an iPhone. It's an unnecessary luxury in my life! Today while I showed my daughter, niece and MIL around Manhattan I was able to keep in touch with the real world. It was a wonderful day! We started at Jekyll and Hydes , took some pictures with half-naked models at Abercrombie & Fitch, took the subway to Chinatown - after a quick stop to watch the street gymnasts in the southern part of Central Park - from Chinatown we walked through Soho to the Village. We took the subway again from 14th street (after lots of window and a little real shopping, a cafe stop and more street theater at NYU) up to Times Square, then walked to the car at 49th St and 10th Ave. It was a great day!!! Somewhere near Canal Street and Broadway I checked my phone and found this in my in-box about the BREA-BOE compromise. Once I got home I also read this . Miriam Webster defines a compromise as: Main Entry: 1 com·pro·mise Pronunciation: \ ˈ käm-prə- ˌ mīz\ Function: noun Et...