Potty talk...
Ever hear about stories that you think "that can't be true!"? This time, can't means "Please don't let this be true!" Today I heard a story that I found to be so sad. Bad parenting has taken on a new meaning. Competitive mothering is a word I often use about 08807-moms who try to show how they protect their children in the name of good mothering, when really they have a sick ulterior motive: to feel that they are the better mothers. Today I heard a story about over-parenting gone awry. A friend of mine has a 5 year old. He travels abroad for many months at a time for his job. And apparently his wife who stays home has some unconventional ideas about appropriate parenting. She's wants to hold her kid back from beginning kindergarten. That's normal enough around here - it seems every parent with a child born in August or September keeps their kid home an extra year. (Except those of us who don't... but that's for a different blog)....