Interesting reading
As is often the case, I spent the early part of my Sunday morning reading Saturday's NY Times, specifically The Jihadist Next Door . As I read this I kept asking myself: how much influence do parents really have on their children and their decision making? I think this could never happen to my kids - or should I rephrase that to - my kids would never do this. But of course, it could and they might. Maybe not the Muslim extremist part - but a series of life altering series (bad) decisions, that in my opinion, ruin their lives. What if it does? Where is the "What to expect when you're expecting" book for parents of adult kids who make awful mistakes or become the kinds of people that the parents didn't want them to be? What then? Not in my neighborhood??? Think again! Maybe people I've spoken to are right. Maybe it is more important for you to be an important part of your kids life when they are in High School than when they are in grade school? The fir...