A, B & Cs

 A blog in 3 acts. No particular order:

Part A) Congratulations, Christine Rose. I don't know you, I don't know anything about you, but I am very glad you beat out your opponent for the open Council seat last night.

Part B) All's well that ends well.

Part C) The BOE voted to end the AI program for the 5th and 6th grades and expand e- offerings instead. This is probably a good thing as it will raise the bar to have additional bright kids in regular classes. (AI is a self-contained classroom for the "most gifted" kids, e- are advanced classes in Language Arts or Math, now they will include Science and Social Studies, too. The admission process is the same - testing and teacher recommendation. ). I think it is also socially good to have these kids integrated in sports, lunch, specials, etc. Apparently it saves several hundred thousand dollars. I want the district to open what it offers to more kids. This might help! (It might not too). Maybe someone like N who is challenged in LAL but excels in Science could get the opportunity of an e-program where before he wouldn't have had more challenge in Science. However, I know that it isn't perfect as a program as I've complained before. My favorite description of BRRSD schooling - be careful what you wish for!


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