No politics or current events in today's blog. If you want that you can read The Courier News about the BRRSD upcoming election, if you want parenting in jest (sorta) or if you want this week's feel good story watch the video.

Just wrote another check over $50 (OK - I'll admit it, the first check was closer to $100) for the Plant Sale. What does that signify? Mother's Day is coming. I'm a sucker for the PTO plant sale. And now with 2 kids in two schools, I got a 2nd chance when C's form came home a week after N's. I never buy the PTO's pizza or the gift wrap - but the plant sale, watch out checking account.... The first year I was lazy and left the new plants in the driveway overnight only to find a few stubs the next morning - but I got smart: hanging plants = the deer can't reach them.
Anything else? DEER PROOF, if that really exists. Am trying vincas, ageratum and allysum (I think that's why I ordered).

Last year my sister-in-law generously bought and planted something (I'm terrible with plant, tree and bird names) in my front yard last Spring. It became deer food too, but now I think it is coming up again!! Where is my chicken wire?!!

I've spent the last 3 days either in bed or wishing I were and I still have half a mind to cancel my meeting this morning and return to bed. Went to the doctor yesterday and got a diagnosis, and, more importantly, a prescription with a side of common sense advise. The doctor said "If you're miserable, take something!" What he gave me knocks me out, but reduces the vertigo. Can't take it and drive. So I'll look for non-prescription stuff to tide me over. The name of my diagnosis was so cute that I keep repeating it "labrynthitis". Apparently it is a fancy name for an ear infection.

Even though the bed is calling me back to it. I know that as soon as I get spring clothes on and take a long shower, I'll be what my friends call "Fit for Fight".

THE SUN IS OUT! It's strength is enough to lift anyone's spirits.

So I plan to spend the day away from the laptop, out of bed and in the sun. As with all my plans, they might get derailed, but that's what's up today... first on list: hot shower!


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