Sunny Monday

If you've read the blog for a while, you know that cancer and I have a history. My brother was diagnosed with it when I was 14, and several years ago my Mom died of it. In addition my 2nd cousin has had a bout with it. She seems to have won - NED (No Existing Disease) - go L! I also follow a cancer blog. I discovered it one day about 2 years ago and have been reading daily ever since. It's founder died in August, but the blog lives on, with a group of cancer patients, caregivers and now otherwise unlikely friends.

This weekend I found out that someone I know, not well, but who I really like so far, is fighting her 3rd round of the big C. She's got a very supportive team behind her and good medical care. While she was in the hospital, her daughter scored the first goal in yesterday's game and you should have heard the emotional charge behind the cheers. Parents and kids alike were yelling out her name. I'm am guessing that she was thinking "This is for Mom!"

In light of E's situation, I want to turn over a new leaf. I want to improve my negative attitude that I sometimes have about life as I choose to live it. I need to stop complaining about all the driving I do or get caught up in small quibbles with myself or others. I want to take time to remember that I am so lucky to have all these wonderful people in my life.

Today is a beautiful day and it will be easy to keep this sunny disposition. Keeping it in my heart for the long term... that is the challenge.

Oh, by the way, in the "not sweating small stuff" category - this blog accidentally posted before I was done writing it. My computer had gone in sleep mode (or so I thought from the black screen) and I hit enter - the mouse apparently was just over the "publish post" button and off up it went).


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