Saturday morning in BW

It's Saturday morning. N and my more-or-less surrogate son T are playing video games upstairs. C is taking the Iowa tests to try for a coveted, but elusive, spot in next year's in e-math and e-language arts. I am glad I am not in her shoes - everyone hates standardized testing. Ice cream is in order afterward!

I am still reeling from a comment made last night about my FB status. My status said (in jest) that I wanted to bring a flask to a PTO event. A father I know thought someone else (who would that be, as the people who can read it are on my FRIENDS LIST?) might take my status the wrong way. I'm still seething. Of course I was joking. ARGH!

So instead of continuing to spew anger about this stupid comment, I am going to enjoy my coffee and New York Times.

Found a nice article about Parenting to share. Enjoy reading "Father in Chief". Pour yourself a second coffee. If you're alone, in the sanctity of your own kitchen, add a shot from the imaginary flask. In protest!

Being a parent in suburbia IS a messy business. Here's some background music for you as you read!

Now I'm going to enjoy reading The Ethicist. Not that I need ethical guidance.... or do I???


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