Sunday's morning coffee

After a long night - fear of werewolves brought the kids inside (it was, after all, a near full moon) - I read two things that caught my attention this morning:

The New York Times Editorial this weekend on Caribou Barbie...


a much more local issue. Lack of scrutiny in hiring bus drivers in NJ. While I am glad to have heard about the issue and not the most paranoid parent, the article in our local paper forgot one key thing I want to know: is it happening in Bridgewater??? Somerset County is not mentioned. Is this anything I should worry about? If there are former criminals driving our kids, what convictions do they have? Courier News, please follow up!

Here is the original article.

Another hot day. A new plumber has canceled for the 2nd time in 2 days. I ain't feeling the love! How does one earn good plumber karma???!!!

(Picture of melting Pikachu from last night - he was definitely yummy).


Anonymous said…
I am sending you good plumber karma my dear friend....If one does'nt show up soon, I shall expeditiously come there and fix it for you. I am a single mom with a Bob vila handbook and duct tape...Is there anything else I would need?
You let your kids have a tent eh? Did you check the cupboards to make sure you still have coffee cans?
Love you sister!

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